Until We Meet Again (BL) (T)


This drama was h e a v y but it was sooooooo good and I loved all the couples in it (although I need more than WinTeam crumbs omg).

The story got dark (started dark) but there was absolutely so much LOVE in it. You could feel the caring between the characters and it was very emotional. LOVED IT. 

TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of suicide (also depicted in the drama). 

Okay, so the drama goes back and forth, which took me a little time to adjust to at first, but I am going to handle the couples individually since that is easier for my brain and there will be less jumping around. 


The show starts off just throwing you into a Romeo/Juliet scenario and doens't give much warning. Korn (Kao Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun) and Intouch (Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote) are in love but their families are against it (It's also 1988). Korn's father is mafia, so they are pushed into a corner which leads to Korn dying by suicide, with Intouch quickly following (after an intense breakdown). It's heartbreaking, but it gets worse after you see their love story unfold. The details and callbacks within the show were really well done and the writing was fantastic. The story was not a typical BL, which was really nice to see, and the plot was very compelling from the first episode to the last. 

Throughout the series, you see Korn and Intouch start to fall deeply in love with each other, despite their father's protests. After a bunch of stuff (see the couple below) you get more of the story about their families and the impacts their deaths had on them all. There ends up being so much love and redemption and forgiveness in their story, it was very heartwarming. I wasn't bawling at any point, but there were definitely several times when I had tears brimming. The actors did a phenomenal job and carried an intense amount of emotion without it feeling overdone and cheesy. 


Okay, so this is where things get super interesting. Our main couple of the series Pharm (Fluke Natouch Siripongthon) and Dean (Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert) are not quite direct reincarnations of Intouch and Korn, but they do seem to carry their souls. Korn and Intouch were connected by the red string of fate and end up being reborn into each other's families, which ties them even closer to each other and the people around them. Throughout the series they are "reunited" with the people they were close to in their past life, but each of them carries the heavy weight of the actions of Korn and Intouch. 

Their love story was really beautiful and well done. There was a lot of build and chemistry, and they had a really wonderful bond. They were so kind of loving and respectful to each other, which was especially nice to see amidst all the toxic BLs out there. 

Dean was waiting for his special person for YEARS so as soon as he makes eye contact with Pharm you feel it. They are drawn to each other immensely and throughout the series each of them has several flashbacks, leading them to investigate what exactly happened to Korn and Intouch, which is devastating when they learn what happened. After Korn and Intouch trauma is resolved and their souls are finally at peace, Pharm asks Dean for a break, since he needs to sort out HIS feelings, because while they were definitely their own people, as the show progressed they became more and more confused and entangled in the emotions of their past selves. I was happy to see that their "break" didn't mean they stopped interacting. In fact they checked in on each other and never actually broke up. That was refreshing to see. Once Pharm is confident that the feelings he has for Dean are HIS feelings, they are reunited and it is just LOVELY. I really loved this couple so much.

I was glad that they weren't just direct copies of their past selves. They actually were totally different in a lot of ways, but in a way that showed that they grew/changed from the people they used to be. For example, Intouch was a terrible cook, but Pharm was amazing and inherited the skills for the desserts that Intouch's sister (and Dean's grandmother) made. There were so many little touches like that that really fleshed the story out in a nice way. I adored them, I can't say it enough. 


UGH! The pairing that I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF, literally. I am happy to report they are getting their own series later this year, though so I just have to learn to be patient. 

Win (Boun Noppanut Guntachai) and Team (Prem Warut Chawalitrujiwong) brought much needed levity into the show, as their relationship did not have the drama that the others did. They were both on the swim team with Dean and Team is Pharm's best friend, so we get to see a good deal of them in the show. They have a more flirty style, especially Win and it was super cute to see the way they start to fall for each other and care for each other as the show goes on. Definitely some much needed fluff. I don't want to say too much about them since I'm sure I will be gushing when their series comes out. 

Another character I absolutely loved was Manow. This girl is MEEEEEEEE. She becomes Pharm's and Team's best friend and was so adorable and lovely. She is a fujoishi to the core, but I liked that she shipped the boys around her but didn't force anything or really tease them too much. She always supported them and was just happy with whatever they chose. I really loved her character and she honestly was so me. I liked that she was confident in herself and always there for her friends and they were there for her. The three of them had such a great relationship and later she befriends Dean's sister, which was also awesome to see. 

This series was a deep one if you need to feel some feelings (it kind of wrecked me a little), but it leaves you with a really good feeling at the end. I loved it and I will definitely be watching it again in the future!!!


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